Sunday, January 8, 2012

Is this a good introduction for essay?

Natural disasters, god-like activities or a scientific phenomenon, either way it is still a life changing tragedy. Merriam Webster defines tragedy: A serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force. What is more tragic than a spontaneous natural disaster happening right beside you, well it definitely beats a death of a neighbour’s dog or a murder down the street. In this case – Man vs. Nature-we are dealing with a much greater force: the simple power of nature. The wrath caused by natural disasters does not only bring drama to one man, but it affects everything and anything in its path. Nothing, not even the intelligence of humankind can stop a tremendous force of natural disasters caused by hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods. The only things we can do is stop, and think of what comes to mind often when regarding natural disasters as they cause the pain of the loss of a loved one, devastation of your life through your only means of shelter, and the emotional pain that it takes to endure a tragedy such as this one. Tragedies such as these are very difficult to handle for many people.

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